Working from home with children….how do I survive this?!

As COVID-19 continues to impact our working and social lives, one aspect that many of us have had to adjust to is working from home.

Although for many being able to; answer e-mails in your pyjamas, have a call with your boss while making lunch or being able to watch Netflix on lunch has been welcome, it brings with it some challenges……..not least ensuring your camera is off when on a conference call!

One major challenge that can make or break your time in self-isolation is; how do I keep my children entertained? As a father of 2 young boys (18 months and 4 years) this has been a question that has become even more important than where can I buy toilet paper from!

Here are some things I have learnt that may help:

  • Get your Legion-of-doom on and tag team them (face paint and lycra is up to you!) The key to those in a relationship is to work as a team especially during the stressful moments. If both parents are working, plan ahead via a schedule as to who has calls/meetings and who can take the kids in a separate room to entertain them
  • Be flexible. This situation is unprecedented and everyone is trying to adjust. This means evenings might need to consist of an extra large pizza (with BBQ sauce), Netflix and work. It’s not ideal but its not forever. Keep chatting with your team about what you’re up to, they maybe doing the same and work emails on Saturday morning need to be explained!!
  • Scavenger hunt - draw up a list of items for them to locate around the house (or ideally garden) which allows you time to answer e-mails or check in with your team. Set them a time limit that mirrors your call
  • When having internal calls, don’t be afraid to make light of your kids being around. Is your son having a meltdown over not being able to put his Batman lego together? Call it out and make light of the background screaming…then maybe mute your microphone for a bit?! Is your youngest trying to get attention while you try to connect with your team? Sit him on your lap and watch the waves and smiles from everyone!
  • There are loads of excellent online educational resources available, whether its a live history lesson from secret WW2 bunker in Liverpool or a 9am PE lesson with Joe Wicks, the body coach (everyday), make the most of the free online stuff
  • We’re allowed outside to exercise once a day, right? So take the kids for a walk. Obviously stay away from people but check out their windows. Kids have been making rainbows and putting them up as something for others to look for. We went for a short walk earlier this week and spotted 10! The kids LOVED IT!
  • You know those moments where you actually can’t cope? You can. You got this. Try to remember how lucky you are to have these monsters and even though we don’t know when this will end, we know it WILL end. Stay positive, stay strong and STAY AT HOME (for now!)

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