PerchPeek Bulk Mover Case Study - Russia to Germany

With major team migrations from the likes of Russia and Ukraine, it is crucial to be able to provide high quality relocation support to high numbers of movers at short notice.

If you currently have a need for relocation assistance for your employees, have any questions at all, or would like to schedule a demo of how PerchPeek works, get in touch below! Or, for a few more tips just keep on reading 🦜

A Few Extra Tips for Making Bulk Moves a Success

1. Group Setups

Where possible, try to conduct advisory calls and preparation sessions for multiple assignees at once. This can often be done quite easily with virtual calls - just make sure you leave enough time at the end of the call to allow for everyone to ask questions (however, stay focused on more general topics - don't allow one assignee to overextend the conversation on self-specific queries).

2. Use Assignee-Driven Solutions

Many relocation support professionals are finding volumes extremely challenging now and are unable to provide the service they are used to due to capacity constraints. According to our data, in the Berlin market right now, relocating a group of movers would require approximately 10,000 enquiries to be sent, in order to obtain a property for each assignee. Even the finest DSP consultants in the world wouldn't be able to get close to this number.

The answer? Put the power in the hands of the relocator. Finding a method to provide the guidance for relocators to conduct the home-search themselves, whilst keeping them safe and informed of how to best go about a relocation, can significantly increase the number of moves you can support in one period. If you're unsure about how to do this, talk to your PerchPeek account manager for the employee-driven solutions we can provide.

3. Manage Expectations from the Get-Go

Where capacity constraints can impact support levels available to each individual mover, it is extremely important they know how often they will be able to rely on your help. Setting up drop-in sessions and using support setups such as online chat features can speed up communication of challenges between movers and their consultants/HR team, helping to reduce any friction that movers may feel from a lack of handholding during a relocation.


4. Use Tech and Content to Maximize Output

Creating video content and advisory guides may seem like a lot of additional effort in a high-pressure period, but one guide can be used to inform hundreds of movers with no additional input. Instructional videos and content cards can be extremely useful to movers in a new city, saving many hours of HR or consultant time in answering the same questions repeatedly. Reach out to PerchPeek if you'd like to see the types of expert relocation content we provide to relocators.

5. Use Unlimited Services to Maintain Consistency

Working with a super high volume of movers in such dynamic environments can create a risk of different relocators feeling that they’ve received a different quality of service, depending on the rate and measure of success they have in their home search. To combat this, working with “unlimited” policies means every mover is going to get a guaranteed same result.

6. Automated Reporting

Where technology is available – use it. Manual tracking and reporting of movers becomes extremely time-consuming when volumes are high; especially when time can be better spent providing actual support to those movers. Look for opportunities to automate and systematize.

To have all of this taken for you though, you can always get in touch with PerchPeek here:

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